Activities - Engineering Sciences
International activity

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Hanyang University always concerns of international activities for students to enhance their international ability, such as student exchange program, invitational lecture and participation of world civil engineering competition. At present, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is driving the “Asia hub” to activate further student exchange program between Korea, China, Japan and Thailand. As a representative student exchange program, five Hanyang students are annually given a chance to study in Hokkaido University in Japan, with the living expense covered by the university. Also, a Hanyang team consisting of 3-4 students participates in the Inter-University Invitational Civil Engineering Competition every two years; the 2nd competition was held in Hanyang. Simultaneously, invitation of lecture to descent scholars are given at least five times a year to promote students’achievement.
Education Center for Creative Leaders in Sustainable Engineering

The Brain Korea 21 (BK 21) is a human resource development program initiated by the government to foster creative experts with Master and/or PhD degree who will lead and open creative economy through supporting creativity-based knowledge and technology. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Hanyang University is participating in the BK 21+(2013~2020) and the only program in the field of civil and construction engineering that joined all three stages of BK 21. The BK 21+ provides the scholarship of graduate students and the fellowship of the post-doctoral fellows and research professors to enhance the advanced education programs of the department. The Education Center for Creative Leaders in Sustainable Engineering expect to become the cradle of the creative leaders in sustainable civil engineering.