Department of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering - Engineering Sciences
Department of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering
Department of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering
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Department prior to unification exhibited the best education and research capability in Korea. The Department of Materials Engineering received the top prize for industrial university evaluation 2012 in the fields of materials and steel. Moreover, Department of Chemical Engineering was ranked 6th at Joongang Daily for university evaluation in 2013. The overall aim for our unification of the Department of Materials Engineering and Chemical Engineering is to educate students with ingenuity in a convergent fields of materials science and chemical engineering. Our Department strives to maintain a balanced commitment between teaching and research; many faculty members have been honored by either the university, or national organizations for their outstanding teaching and research. Our undergraduate students benefit from a nationally accredited curriculum that carefully balances theory and application in a unified course curriculum. The unified Materials/Chemical engineering program provides a progressive experience, ranging from the fundamentals to the practice of engineering. We also encourage undergraduate students to participate in a variety of extra-curricular research activities. Students benefit not only from their daily contact with the faculty members, but also from their interaction with other students, to deal with related problems from a different perspective. This approach assists in providing breadth as well as depth to students’ graduate experience, and helps to prepare them for the interactive research and problem solving in industry, government laboratories, and institutes.
Undergraduate Program
The Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering offers programs of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. The program is composed of various major courses and specialized courses. Specialized courses are materials processing, structural materials, functional materials and capstone design. And major courses offered by our department are as follows: chemical process and design engineering, energy and environmental engineering, polymer processing and materials engineering, biochemical and biomedical engineering, nanomaterials and electronic materials engineering.
Graduate Program
The Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering offers programs of study towards the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering. Current programs are closely related to the undergraduate programs. Admissions to graduate study will be granted to qualified applicants who hold a bachelor degree in materials science and chemical engineering or who have equivalent qualifications. Outstanding students who have a bachelor degree in other fields of engineering or science will also be welcomed to apply for admission.