Division of Electrical Engineering - Engineering Sciences
Division of Electrical Engineering
The purpose of this laboratory is to introduce first-year students various areas of Electrical Engineering, such as semiconductor, communications, signal processing, control and robotics, electrical power engineering, computer engineering by performing basic experiments. Throughout these experiments, students will experience the basics of Electrical Engineering and also grasp what they will learn in the following years.

Fundamental Circuit LAB
This laboratory offers fundamental electric circuit experimentation for sophomore level students. Students will learn how to use various measurement instruments for basic circuits.
Computer Programming LAB
The purpose of this laboratory is for students to experience C, C++, C#, and Java programming during the sophomore year. Each class consists of 30 students, and the class covers the fundamentals of C, C++, C#, and Java languages, module based programming, library and interface design, complex data type utilization, analysis and performance assessment of introductory algorithms.
Electronic Circuit LAB
This laboratory deals with the digital logic circuit design at the sophomore level and analog circuit design at the junior level. A variety of measurement instruments and components such as oscilloscope, function generator, logic experimental kits, and digital logic components are provided to the students.
Microprocessor LAB
This laboratory is associated with the junior level course (Computer Structure and Microprocessor Application) and the experiments are conducted using the 8-bit 8051 microprocessor. Students are expected to learn the structure and principle of operation of the microprocessors and acquire skills to apply microprocessors to diverse application areas.
Special Topic LAB
These laboratories are supported by LINC and utilized in 2+2 (i.e., practice + theory) subjects.
-Fusion Electric Energy System Laboratory
-Convergence of Advanced Material-based Electronic Devices Laboratory
-Intelligent Image Recognition/Vision System Laboratory
Research Centers

- Applied Research Center for Electro-Fusion Technology (EFT)
- Gyeonggi-do Regional Research Center (GRRC) - Ubiquitous Sensor Networks Research Center (USNRC)
- Advanced Electric Energy Saving Research Center (AE²SRC)
- Regional Research Center (RRC) - Center for Electronic Materials and Components (EM&C)
- IC Design Education Center (IDEC)
Major Research Areas and LAB

Semiconductors / Circuits
- Applied Electronic Circuits Design LAB
- Nano Electronics LAB
- Semiconductor Photonics LAB
- Thin Films and Nano-Devices LAB
- High-speed Integrated Systems Design LAB
- System on a Chip LAB
- Microwave Circuit & Systems LAB
Communications / Signal Processing
- Intelligent Communication Systems LAB
- Wireless Network LAB
- Digital Communication Systems LAB
- Wireless Communication Systems LAB
- Telecommunications and Speech Processing LAB
- Signal and Systems LAB
- Image and Communication LAB
- Computational Vision and Fuzzy Systems LAB
- Ubiquitous Sensor Network LAB
Control / Robotics
- Advanced Intelligent Control LAB
- Advanced Systems Engineering Research LAB
- Guidance Control & Information Fusion LAB
- Computer Controlled Real-Time Systems LAB
- Human Robotics LAB
- Bio Robotics LAB
- Digital Systems LAB
- SoC/ASIC Design LAB
- Reliable and High-speed Computing LAB
Electric Energy
- Smart Measurement & Diagnosis Technology LAB
- Energy Conversion Systems LAB
- HVDC Electric Power LAB