Department of Marine Convergence Engineering

Division of Architecture & Architectural Engineering

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“The Department of Ocean Convergence Engineering seeks to understand and utilize the ocean through cutting-edge technology.”

Concerns about global environmental changes such as climate change and marine pollution are deepening. In the 21st century, Korea recognizes the strengthening of maritime defense capabilities for national security and the securing and management of marine energy resources as essential tasks for enhancing national growth potential. In order to proactively respond to the need to solve these global or national problems, the Department of Marine Convergence Engineering is fostering professional manpower who will play a central role in the new marine era through convergent education and research in the fields of (1) marine diagnosis and exploration engineering, (2) marine ecology and marine/fishery biotechnology, (3) marine environment and climate change, and (4) marine resource and energy utilization technology that combine basic marine science and technology with the latest applied technologies.

The Department of Ocean Convergence Engineering has grown continuously over the past 40 years since it began as the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences in 1984, reflecting the rapidly changing development of ocean science technology and the needs of the times. In the evaluation of competitiveness of undergraduate and graduate school departments in the ERICA Science and Engineering Department, the department has been recognized for its excellence, ranking first for the most times (4 times) in the undergraduate program and first for the graduate school for 5 consecutive years. Since 2020, it has supported students and contributed to the field through the BK21 Project Group (approximately KRW 5 billion in support over 7 years). In addition, excellent graduates are active as professional oceanographers in various ocean-related fields, and each of them is raising the reputation of the department in their respective positions. The Department of Ocean Convergence Engineering will continue to do its best to foster talents who will lead the innovation of ocean science and technology.

Educational Aim

The goal for the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering is to educate industry leading architectural professionals who can provide excellent architectural solutions inside and outside of Korea. The department’s aim can be further described as training future architects and architectural engineers with the knowledge of the latest technologies and theories that became the solid bases for the creative and innovative design and research solutions.