Division of Smart Convergence Engineering - Engineering Sciences
Division of Smart Convergence Engineering
Division of Smart Convergence Engineering
학과홈페이지 바로가기(https://sce.hanyang.ac.kr/)
Division of Smart Convergence Engineering is organized into 4 specialty majors which are as following; Major in Materials Convergence Engineering, Major in Robotics & Convergence, Major in Smart ICT Convergence, and Major in Architecture IT Convergence Engineering. The degree courses are operated in 3-years bachelor of engineering in the fixed number of 150 students at maximum
Major in Materials Convergence Engineering fosters talented individuals with the convergence in the knowledge of Metal/Ceramic/Chemical/Electronic engineering and professionals in the field of Material/Process based on the traditional industry. On the other hand, Major in Robotics & Convergence which is a convergence of Robotic, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, strives to develop the elites through the curriculum focusing on the practical training that reflects various types of companies’ demands.
Major in Smart ICT Convergence produces practical individuals who can converge one’s self-directed problem-solving capability with the software, and to customize them for corporate demands. Whereas, Major in Architecture IT Convergence Engineering focuses on training the architectural IT professionals that can respond to rapidly changing construction environments and producing the next-generation leaders in the high-tech construction industry.
The Division of Smart Convergence Engineering is leading educational innovation in the upcoming time period of 4th industrial revolution by trying the new education curriculum that customizes the corporates’ needs and educational approaches that reinforce the problem-solving capacities.