Department of Bionano Engineering

Department of Bionano Engineering

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Bionano Engineering is a rapidly evolving field of research at the crossroads of biotechnology and nanotechnology, which are two interdisciplinary areas that needs combination of advances in engineering and science. Engineering and science of the 21st century cross an existing field of study and grow explosively around the advanced countries. The Department of Bionano Engineering was established strategically by Hanyang University in 2010 to make valuable contributions to the advanced academic and industrial society. The educational aim of the department lies in the nurturing of specialized global leaders with the knowledge of the latest technologies and theories. In addition, the excellence of the department has been recognized widely by execution of national mega-projects(Micro Biochip Center, Brain Korea 21, Engineering Research Center, LINC and Brain Korea 21 Plus etc.).

Undergraduate Program

The Bionano Engineering Department provides an interdisciplinary education and research environment that focuses on fusion technology of Biotechnology(BT), Nanotechnology(NT) and Biomedical Engineering(BME). The undergraduate program offers a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a major in Bionano Engineering. The program is designed for students to learn a variety of basic science and bionano engineering disciplines for their professional employment in academia and industry. Students with special interests can take elective courses that provide specific knowledge in Bionano Photonics, Bionano Analytics, Bio-microelectromechanical Systems(Bio-MEMS) for biomedical imaging and biosensor development as well as Bionano and Biopharmaceutical materials for Theranostics Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Drug Delivery System.

Graduate Program

Bionanotechnology, which is a combination of BT(Biotechnology) and NT(Nanotechnology), is one of the leading Fusion Technologies representing the 21st industry-based on Knowledge Convergence. Our graduate program is mainly consisted of three research fields, such as bio engineering, nano engineering, and bionano engineering. The educational objective of our graduate program is to educate new talent to lead the industry based on Knowledge Convergence through the variety of academic categories such as BT, IT, NT, Engineering and Science.