@Department of Robot Engineering - Engineering Sciences
@Department of Robot Engineering
Department of Robot Engineering
학과홈페이지 바로가기(https://robot.hanyang.ac.kr/)
Robotics is the field of study that deals with robot system that can perceive the external environment, make decisions about it and then perform intelligent actions autonomously in ways that are similar to humans. Robotics is considered as one of the frontier technologies that can lead the national industrial development in the future just as the automotive industry and the semiconductor industry did before. Hanyang University ERICA Campus maintains high reputation in the field of robotics through many years of performing numerous government and industry projects and research activities. Having this background, Robotics department was found in 2013 with the goal of providing the best college level robotics education and becoming the top-level research robotics institution. Robotics department is one of the Rainbow Department in ERICA campus.
Robotics is an interdisciplinary field of study, requiring knowledge from mechanical engineering, electric/electronic engineering and computer science. Reflecting these requirements, the curriculum of the Robotics department includes the topics from these domains as well as basic mathematics and science subjects, and strikes a balance between theory and experiment. Outside the class, the department also supports the departmental robotics club HY-MEC, giving students the chance of practical experience in robotics. The ERICA campus hosts the robotics group of KITECH and Gyeonggi Technopark, offering students with the up-to-date robotics research trends through many seminars and internship opportunities.
The Robotics department is committed to training its students so that they become the world-class robotics researchers & educators, industrial robotic engineers and government policy makers on national industry.

Undergraduate Program
The Robotics department offers a program that covers broad subjects related to robotics, from the fields of mechanical engineering, electric/electronic engineering and computer science as well as a few basic and advanced robotic classes. Some of the offered classes are as follows: Freshmen - Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and other basic computer programming; Sophomore – Engineering math, discrete math, statics, kinematics, basic circuit theory; Junior – Machine design, advanced circuit theory, signal and systems, algorithm design; Senior – robotic manipulation, computer vision, digital control. In addition to classes dealing with engineering theory, many experiment classes are offered so that the students can have balanced exposure to theory and practice.
Graduate Program
Department of Interdisciplinary Engineering Systems
The Department of Interdisciplinary Engineering Systems is a graduate program of the Graduate School at Hanyang University. This department is supported by Creation Industry Interdisciplinary Program of MOTIE from 2014, and provide scholarship to its students. The main goal of the department is to lead Industrial fusion and future industry and especially train human-centered HMI (Human Machine Interaction) system specialists. The faculties from various fields – engineering, medical, design, culture content, and management – participate in this program and offer practically-oriented, project-based curriculum, linking the seven participating companies. To provide the students with practical experience, the departments maintains active relationship with many institutions in Ansan Science Valley, Carnegie Mellon University (US), Ritmeikan University (Japan), and Harbin Institute of Technology (China). Every year, the department accepts 15 students of various undergraduate background including engineering, design, literature studies and other fields.